All the data in the form of Python dictionaries:

A Sage file to load, containing a couple of methods to work conveniently wih the data: unstable_algebras.sage.

sage: load "unstable_algebras.sage"
sage: G= DihedralGroup(8)
sage: A= UnstableCohomologyRing(G)
sage: A

Unstable Algebra over GF(2) generated by z, y, x subject to
	z*y + y^2 = 0.
sage: A.degrees
[1, 1, 2]
sage: z, y, x = A.gens()
sage: Sq(1) >> z
In this example we have assumed that the Small Groups library is installed (sage -optional then sage -i gap_database_xxx). Otherwise, you have to know the number of the group according to GAP, in this case the dihedral group of order 16 is the group number 7, and one can use:
sage: A= UnstableCohomologyRing_gap_number(16,7)