Emmanuel Opshtein

7 rue René Decartes,
67084 Strasbourg,

Tel : +(00 33) 3 68 85 01 43.

Email : opshtein@unistra.fr

Thèmes de recherche

Géometrie symplectique, Géométrie symplectique C 0 , Plongements Lagrangiens, ...


  1. Liouville polarizations and the rigidity of their Lagrangian skeleta, pre-publication 2024
  2. Symplectic Camel theorems and C0-rigidity of coisotropic submanifolds, Israel Journal of Math. (2023)
  3. (avec L. Buhovsky) Quantitative h-principle in symplectic geometry, Journal of fixed point theory and applications (2021)
  4. (avec R. Hind) Squeezing Lagrangian tori in dimension 4, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (2020)
  5. (avec C. Membrez) C0-rigididty of Lagrangian submanifolds, Compositio Math. (2021)
  6. (Avec O. Buse and R. Hind) Packing stability for 4-dimensional symplectic manifolds, Transactions of the AMS ( 2016)
  7. (Avec L. Buhovsky) Some quantitative results in C^0-symplectic geometry, Invent. Math. ( 2016)
  8. (Avec D. McDuff) Non-generic J-holomorphic curves and singlar inflation, Algebraic Geometry and Topology ( 2015)
  9. Symplectic packings in dimension 4 and singular curves, J. Symp. Geom. (2015 )
  10. Singular polarizations and ellipsoid packings, IMRN (2013)
  11. Polarizations and symplectic isopopies, J. Symp. Geom. (2013)
  12. A Wong-Rosay type theorem for proper holomorphic self-maps , Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (2009)
  13. C0-rigidity of characteristics in symplectic geometry, Ann. Sci. de l’E.N.S. (2009)
  14. Maximal symplectic packings in P^2, Compositio. Math. 143 (2007) p.1558-1575
  15. Dynamique des auto-applications holomorphes propres et problème de l’injectivité , Math. Ann. 335 (2006) p.1-30.


Exposés dans des conférences