Nalini Anantharaman     

Professeure au Collège de France, accueillie à l'Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA) Unité Mixte de Recherche 7501 du CNRS et de l'Université de Strasbourg.

Coordonnées :

  • E-mail :
  • Bureau : 605 dans le bâtiment IRMA
  • Activités de recherche

    Je suis membre de l'équipe Analyse . Mon domaine de recherche principal est la théorie des systèmes dynamiques en lien avec la théorie spectrale, la géométrie et la physique mathématique.

    Publications et prépublications

    Mes publications sont signalées sur ArXiV.

    ERC InSpeGMos

    I have been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for the project InSpegMos (Integrating Spectral and Geometric data on Moduli Space) which started in September 2023. The project is focussed on the geometry and spectrum of random objects (specifically, hyperbolic surfaces and discrete graphs). The central object of study is the Weil-Petersson measure on the moduli space of compact hyperbolic surfaces. The overall goal is to develop new integration techniques that will allow to study geometric and spectral data of random hyperbolic surfaces, with an aim to establishing limit theorems. The project involves various branches of mathematics (geometry, probability, analysis, spectral theory). Click here to read the submitted project.

    NEW : open post-doc positions, see here for details. We welcome applicants with various backgrounds, provided they are willing to learn other topics. We will particularly appreciate applicants with a strong background in Teichmüller theory / hyperbolic geometry / spectral geometry / random geometry / study of random graphs and random matrix models.