- In September 2010, jointly with M. Laurent and U. Zannier,
we organized the conference
Approximation diophantienne et transcendance
at the C.I.R.M. in Luminy.
- From 22 to 28 April 2012, jointly with Yu. Nesterenko,
we organized the workshop
Diophantische Approximationen at Oberwolfach.
- In September 2014, jointly with M. Laurent and U. Zannier,
we organized the conference
Approximation diophantienne et transcendance
at the C.I.R.M. in Luminy.
- The 7th and 8th January 2016, jointly with
V. Heu, C. Kassel, G. Massuyeau, M. Maumy-Bertrand, N. Schappacher,
we organized the workshop
L'IRMA fête son demi-siècle !
at the IRMA in Strasbourg.
- From 10th to 16th April 2016, jointly with Ph. Habegger and U. Zannier,
we will organize the workshop
Diophantische Approximationen at Oberwolfach.
- From 14th to 18th November 2016, jointly with Ch. Aistleitner,
T. Slaman and R. Tichy,
we will organize the workshop
Normal Numbers: Arithmetic, Computational and Probabilistic Aspects
at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute in Vienna.