Strasbourg, France
Using YouView with VoiceOver
Mac OS 10.7 Lion
YouView is a free application that can be used to watch
YouTube videos.
The compatibility of YouView with VoiceOver is very good.
YouView may be downloaded for free on
YouView web site.
Important: for the instructions below, it is assumed that VoiceOver is on and that Quick Nav is off.
To toggle VoiceOver on or off, press Cmd + F5.
When VoiceOver is on, press simultaneously the Right and Left arrows to toggle Quick Nav on or off.
To search for a video and then launch it:
Move with Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow and Ctrl + Opt + Left Arrow until hearing
"Search search text field", then
Type your request, for example "elliptic curve" or "Minerva Lectures", then
Press the Return key, then
press Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow (3 times) until hearing "Table no selection", then
slect the video in the list of results by using the Up and Down Arrows, then
Press the Return key.
This opens a new window and the video is launched after downloading.
To pause video:
Press Spacebar.
Press again Spacebar to resume playing.
To rewind video:
Press Opt + Left Arrow.
To fast forward video:
Press Opt + Right Arrow.
To stop video and return to the list of results:
Press the close button with Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
To access the video information window
(Author, Title, Date, Views, Run time, Keywords,etc.):
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "View" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "Inspector" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
Move in the information window by using Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow and Ctrl + Opt + Left Arrow.
Press the Escape key to quit the information window.
To access comments:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "View" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "Comments" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Shift + Down Arrow to interact with the HTML contents, then
Select the author of the comments by moving with Ctrl + Opt + Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Shift + Down Arrow to interact with the group, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow until hearing the comments.
To quit comments:
Press Ctrl + Opt + Shift + Up Arrow twice to stop interacting, then
Go to the Close button by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Left Arrow (3 times), then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
To send information and YouTube link for the selected video:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "Simple Email" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
Type the recipient address, then
Send the message
(see Using Mail with VoiceOver).
To copy the YouTube URL into the clipboard:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "Edit" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "Copy YouTube URL" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
To change the way videos are sorted in the list of results:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "View" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to the submenu "Order Results by" with the Down Arrow, then
Press the right Arrow, then
Select either
"Relevance", or
"Published Date", or
"ViewCount", or
by moving with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
To display other videos from the same author:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "View" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "More videos from author" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
Some shortcuts:
To pause or resume: Spacebar
To rewind: Opt + Left Arrow
To fast forward: Opt + Right Arrow
To open information window: Cmd + i
To open comments window: Cmd + Opt + c
To send by email: Cmd + e
To copy YouTube URL: Cmd + Shift + c
To close window: Cmd + w
To go to results page: Cmd + p
To display related videos: Cmd + r
To quit YouView: Cmd + q
VoiceOver Commands
To hear the version of YouView on your computer:
Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
Go to "YouView" with the Right Arrow, then
Go to "About YouView" with the Down Arrow, then
Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
YouView Version: 0.5.1
Please send me your comments about this page
by e-mail
Last Update: February 2, 2015