Michel Coornaert
Strasbourg, France

VoiceOver 12

Using SageMath with VoiceOver Mac OS 12 Monterey

SageMath, commonly known as Sage, is a free software system that can be used for doing numerical as well as symbolic mathematical computations. It is an accessible open source alternative to Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab. Sage uses a syntax that is very close to the syntax of Python.


Sage is accessible on a Mac computer using the VoiceOver screenreader in local from Terminal (see Using Terminal with VoiceOver).
Terminal is located in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder.
After Terminal is launched, a text field appears for entering a Terminal command.
To install Sage, assuming that the package manager Homebrew has already been installed on Terminal (see the Homebrew web page for installing Homebrew), type the command brew install --cask sage.
Once Sage has been installed, type the command sage to launch Sage. After a moment, a text field appears with the prompt "Sage:", inviting to type a Sage command. Type a Sage command and then press the Return key to display the result.

Computations involving integers

Computations with Sage involving integers
Sage Command Result Description
3* (2^10 -1) 3069 3 times (2 to the 10 minus 1)
factorial(10) 3628800 factorial 10
1055 % 11 10 remainder of the Euclidean division of 1055 by 11
1055//11 95 quotient of the Euclidean division of 1055 by 11
factor(60984) 2^3 * 3^2 * 7 * 11^2 factorisation of 60984
divisors(30) [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30] divisors of 30
number_of_divisors(9240) 64 number of divisors of 9240
euler_phi(72) 24 number of positive integers up to 72 that are relatively prime to 72
prime_divisors(168) [2, 3, 7] prime divisors of 168
valuation(18144,3) 4 exponent of 3 in the factorisation of 18144
next_prime(50) 53 smallest prime number greater than 50
previous_prime(168) 167 greatest prime number smaller than 168
next_prime_power(67) 71 smallest prime power greater than 67
previous_prime_power(37) 32 greatest prime power smaller than 37
prime_pi(100) 25 number of primes smaller than 100
2047 in Primes() False 2047 is not a prime
8191 in Primes() True 8191 is a prime
Primes().unrank(10) 31 eleventh prime
Prime_range(13,23) [13,17,19] liste of primes in the interval [13,23)
gcd(114,138) 6 gcd of 114 and 138
lcm(114,138) 2622 lcm of 114 and 138
xgcd(114,138) (6, -6, 5) gcd and Bézout coefficients of (114,138)
binomial(27,5) 80730 number of subsets of cardinality 5 in a set of cardinality 27
sigma(30,4) 872644 sum of the fourth powers of the divisors of 30
  • SageMath Version : 10.4

  • Last update: September 27, 2024