Michel Coornaert
Strasbourg, France

VoiceOver 10.9

Quelques liens VoiceOver Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks

VoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks

Appendix A. Commands and Gestures VoiceOver Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks

First-Level VoiceOver Commands, OS X Mavericks

Second-Level VoiceOver Commands, OS X Mavericks

Third-Level VoiceOver Commands, OS X Mavericks

Fourth-Level VoiceOver Commands, OS X Mavericks

Apple - Accessibilité - OS X - VoiceOver

Apple - Accessibilité - OS X

Apple - Accessibilité - Ressources

Apple - Accessibilité

Installer des applications sur son Mac | Oxytude

Some Comments about Mavericks | MacForTheBlind

A Demonstration of What’s New in OS X Mavericks | AppleVis

OS X Mavericks released with improved accessibility | Media Access Australia

Mac ou Windows ? Pourquoi pas les deux ? – Oxytude

A Guide to Making the Switch from Using a Windows Screen Reader to VoiceOver on a Mac | AppleVis

Vision - 4All - Tech Ease

Forums web consacrés à VoiceOver


Forums | Edencast


AppleVis Forum | AppleVis

FreeLists / Mac With Voiceover Screenreader

dernière modification : 5 mars 2016