1 (29/09)
Motivation and intuition for Galois theory. Solving the cubic.
2 (29/09)
Solving the quartic. Main theorem on symmetric polynomials (statement).
3 (01/10)
Main theorem on symmetric polynomials (proof). Background theoretical material on groups. Finite groups of small orders.
4 (06/10)
Background theoretical material on groups. Class formula. The group whose order is a prime power has a nontrivial centre. The quotient of a noncommutative group by its centre is non-cyclic.
5 (06/10)
Background theoretical material on fields and rings. Integral domains. Polynomials. Fields of fractions. Prime and maximal ideals. Adjoining the root of an irreducible polynomial.
6 (08/10)
Existence and uniqueness of field extensions. Algebraic and transcendental elements. Equality k[a]=k(a) for an algebraic element a. Characteristic of a field. Finite fields.
7 (13/10)
Background on field extensions. Tower law. Finite fields. The number of elements in a finite field is a prime power. Uniqueness theorem for finite fields.
8 (13/10)
Extending a subfield inclusion to a splitting field. Uniqueness of splitting fields. Normal extensions.
9 (15/10)
Splitting fields are normal extensions of finite degree. Separable extensions.
10 (20/10)
Galois group of a field extension. Number of automorphisms, degreee, and normality/separability.
11 (20/10)
Galois extensions (finite-normal-separable) are fixed fields of finite subgroups of the automorphism group.
12 (22/10)
Main theorem of Galois theory: Galois correspondence and its properties.
13 (27/10)
Example of the field extension Q(√2,√3) and Q(ζ) with ζ a primitive 5th root of 1.
14 (27/10)
Cyclotomic fields. Integrality and irreducibility of the cyclotomic polynomial. Galois group of the cyclotomic field. Fermat's primes. Gauss's criterion of constructibility of a regular n-gon.
15 (29/10)
Example: the 17th cyclotomic field. A finite subgroup of the multiplicative group of any field is cyclic.
16 (03/11)
Solvable groups. Examples. The group A5 is not solvable. Three equivalent definition of solvable groups. Subgroups and quotient groups of solvable groups are solvable. The converse statement.
17 (03/11)
Radical field extensions. Solvable field extensions. Examples of radical and solvable extensions. A Galois extension of a field with enough roots of 1 has a solvable Galois group if and only if the extension is radical.
18 (05/11)
Passing to the Galois / normal closure and adjoining roots of 1. A characteristic zero field extension is solvable if and only if the Galois group of its Galois closure is solvable.
Reading week, no classes
19 (17/11)
The generic equation of degree n>4 is not solvable in radicals. The equation x5-6x+3 is not solvable in radicals. A nonzero polynomial in several variables over an infinite field has a point where it does does not vanish.
20 (17/11)
The primitive element theorem. The normal basis theorem.
21 (19/11)
Discussion of the third homework.
No classes on Tuesday November 24. Next class is on Thursday November 26.
22 (26/11)
Discussion of the third homework.
23 (01/12)
The normal basis theorem. Towards the Kronecker theorem on computation of the Galois group.
24 (01/12)
Proof of the Kronecker theorem. Reduction mod p and Galois groups. Example of a polynomial of degree n with the Galois group Sn.
25 (03/12)
Outline of other algorithmic methods. Inverse Galois problem. Realisation of some Galois groups of small orders.
26 (08/12)
More on inverse Galois problem. Realisation of the quaternion group. Abelian groups as Galois groups. Statement of Kronecker-Weber theorem. Solvable groups as Galois groups: statement of Shafarevich theorem.
27 (08/12)
Solution of cubic and quartic equations using Galois theory. Criteria for computing Galois groups of quartics.
28 (10/12)
Proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra using Galois theory. Revision of the module.