1 (26/09)
Introduction and motivation for Galois theory. Solving the cubic.
2 (28/09)
Solving the quartic. Main theorem on symmetric polynomials.
3 (29/09)
Recollections from group theory: group of small orders, group actions, a group whose order is a prime power has a nontrivial centre, all orders of elements in a finite Abelian group divide the largest one.
4 (03/10)
A finite subgroup of K×, K a field, is cyclic. Classification of finite fields: characteristic, the set of roots of xq-x in any field extension of Z/pZ is a field. Reduction to the existence and uniqueness of splitting fields.
5 (05/10)
Definition of a splitting field; statement of the theorem on their existence and uniqueness. Algebraic and transcendental elements. An element a is algebraic over k iff k(a)=k[a].
6 (06/10)
Adjoining a root of an irreducible polynomial. Degree of an extension, tower law. Existence and uniqueness of splitting fields.
7 (10/10)
Normal and separable extensions. Example of a non-normal extension. Normal extensions are splitting fields. Separable extensions: characteristic 0 and characteristic p.
8 (12/10)
Example of a non-separable extension: splitting field of xp-a over a field of characteristic p. The automorphism group of a field. Examples. Real numbers have no nontrivial automorphisms.
9 (13/10)
Galois group of an extension. The number of elements of the Galois group of a finite extension does not exceed the degree.
10 (17/10)
Galois extensions (finite normal separable extensions K:k) are invariants of finite subgroups of the automorphism group Aut(K).
[HW1 solutions]
11 (19/10)
Galois correspondence: fields between k and K are in one-to-one correspondence with subgroups of the Galois group Gal(K:k). Normality of extensions and subgroups.
12 (20/10)
Examples for Galois correspondence (integrality problem from a maths olympiad, the field Q(√2,√3), the field of fifth roots of unity).
13 (24/10)
The n-th cyclotomic polynomial, its integrality and irreducibility.
14 (26/10)
Degree of the cyclotomic field is the Euler function. The Galois group of the n-th cyclotomic field is (Z/nZ)×. Constructibility of the regular n-gon with ruler and compass and Fermat primes: the elementary step.
15 (27/10)
Constructibility of the regular n-gon with ruler and compass and Fermat primes: the Galois theory step. Example of the 17-th cyclotomic field.
16 (31/10)
Galois theory, Sylow 2-subgroups, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The Galois group of a generic polynomial of degree n is Sn.
[HW2 solutions]
17 (02/11)
Solvable groups. Examples. Subgroups and quotient groups of solvable groups are solvable. The converse statement. Three equivalent definition of solvable groups.
18 (03/11)
The group A5 is not solvable (in fact, is simple), and the impact of this statement for solving equations in radicals. Radical and solvable extensions: examples. For a field with enough roots of unity, the Galois group is solvable if and only if the extension is radical: reduction to the case of cyclic extensions.
Reading week, no classes.
19 (14/11)
For a field with enough roots of unity, the Galois group is solvable if and only if the extension is radical: the case of cyclic extensions. Linear independence of homomorphisms.
[HW3 solutions]
20 (16/11)
Adjoining roots of unity does not change the solvability of the Galois group. Normal closure does not change the radical property. Main theorem: an extension is solvable if and only if the Galois group of its normal closure is solvable.
21 (17/11)
Computing and using Galois groups. A transitive subgroup of S5 containing a transposition coincides with S5, and how it implies that x5-6x+3 is not solvable in radicals. A transitive subgroup of Sn containing a transposition and an (n-1)-cycle coincides with Sn. Statement of Dedekind's theorem on cycle types of Galois group arising from reduction modulo p.
22 (21/11)
Dedekind's theorem on cycle types of Galois group arising from reduction modulo p. Kronecker's theorem on computing Galois groups.
23 (23/11)
Primitive element theorem. There exist irreducible polynomials over Fp of all possible degrees. Example of a polynomial with Galois group Sn over Q.
24 (24/11)
Solving the cubic and the quartic using Galois theory. Discriminant of a polynomial and its Galois-theoretic meaning. Galois groups of quartics: distinguishing between S4, A4, K4, and (D4 or Z/4Z).
25 (28/11)
Galois groups of quartics: distinguishing between D4 and Z/4Z (irreducibility test, Kappe-Warren test).
[HW4 solutions]
[HW5 (optional)]
26 (30/11)
Inverse Galois problem. Realisation of groups of small orders, including the quaternion group Q8. Realisability of solvable groups: statement of Shafarevich theorem.
27 (01/12)
Realisation of Abelian groups. Statement of Kronecker-Weber theorem. The normal basis theorem.
[Draft notes (PDF)]
28 (05/12)
Discussion of selected homework questions.
29 (07/12)
Discussion of selected homework questions. Revision of the module.
30 (08/12)
No classes on Friday 08/12.