Vlada Limic

Université de Strasbourg 11
UMR 7501, IRMA

7, Rue Rene Descartes
67084 Strasbourg, FRANCE
Phone: 33 (0) 3 68 85 01 36   Fax: à venir
Office: I-506
email: <first name>.<last name> "at"math.unistra.fr

Welcome to my homepage (WARNING: under construction, the link to research should work but most others will probably not work)!

I do research in probability and stochastic processes, studying properties of various stochastic models.

Here is a link to my cv (pdf file, May 2016), and a less recent version (pdf file, December 10) in French.

Our probability group has a weekly seminar. (links to be updated)

The past schedule of the "Mini-training in English writing for academic purposes" is available here.

Click to access my columns in the IMS Bulletin. The web booth prototype discussed in the most recent (and final) article can be accessed by clicking here.

In the Spring of 2013 I was writing a journal on the state of mathematics (this version with clickable annotations still has a few of zzz remaining, but they concern the page formating rather than the contents).

I passed my HDR in June 2011.

My former PhD student Mickaël Launay defended his thesis on the interacting urn models on June 8, 2012. He is the recent winner of the Prix d'Alambert. (links to be encoded)

David Aldous obtained the Doctorat Honoris Causa from the Université de Provence on December 13, 2011. The accompanying festive colloquium will be remembered (see the photos). We are grateful to all the participants!

Website dedicated to the David Aldous' 60th Birthday celebration conference.

Link to support pages for various (free) packages and programs that I use daily for work and play.

A few personal links.
