An introduction to tangle Floer homology (with I. Petkova)
Proceedings of 22nd Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference, 2015:168-186, 2016
Legendrian satellites (with
J. Etnyre)
Quantum gl(1|1) and tangle Floer homology
(with A.P. Ellis and I. Petkova)
A self-pairing theorem for tangle Floer homology
(with I. Petkova)
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 16:2127-2141, 2016
Combinatorial tangle Floer homology
(with I. Petkova)
Geometry & Topology, 20 (2016) 3219-3332
On the equivalence of Legendrian and Transverse Invariants in Knot Floer Homology
(with J. Baldwin and D.S. Vela-Vick)
Geometry & Topology, 17:905-924, 2013
Legendrian representations of Twist Knots (with J. Etnyre and
L. Ng)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society15:969-995, 2013
Csomók és 3-háromsokaságok - Heegaard Floer homológiák (in Hungarian)
Matematikai Lapok, Új sorozat 17:35-73, 2011
Transversely non-simple Knots
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 8:1481--1498, 2008
On Invariants for Legendrian knots(with
A. Stipsicz)
Pacific Journal of Math., 17:449-459, 2007