Seminars/GdT - Working groups or reading groups to which I participate.

Théorie de Hodge des morphismes projectifs, d'après de Cataldo et Migliorini (Fall 2023)

Variétés abéliennes et théorème de Honda-Tate (Fall 2016, organiser Giuseppe Ancona)

Here are liveTeX notes (french) that I took (last update 25 Jan 2017). I'm responsible for all the errors.

Research interests

I did my PhD with Olivier Schiffmann at Universite Paris 7 and I defended it in July 2014. My research area is geometric representation theory.
I've worked on the Hall algebra of an elliptic curve and on the spherical Eisenstein sheaves for an elliptic curve.

I am interested in topics related to:


Disclaimer and warning: the pdf linked to are not identical to the published version.