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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbstractHomomorphism< K >AbstractHomomorphism class: maps between polynomial algebras
AffineAlgebra< K >AffineAlgebra class
AffineHomomorphism< K >AffineHomomorphism: an AbstractHomomorphism with source and target
AlphabetGenerates names for variables. Pure virtual
AugmentedAlgebra< K >AugmentedAlgebra class: an affine algebra with a scalar associated with each variable
AutoAlphabetAutomatically generates names
Chern_MakerChern_Maker class: computes Chern classes
DerivationAnalyzerClass (mostly) for computing the kernel of a derivation
Exponentiator< K >Exponentiator class -- computes Chern/Stiefel-Whitney classes
GradedAlgebra< K >GradedAlgebra class: an affine algebra with a grading
HomFinderHomFinder class: looks for all reasonable homomorphisms between two graded algebras
Ideal< K >Ideal class
Matrix< T >The Matrix class: Table with arithmetic
MilnorAnalyzerClass to compute the kernel of all Milnor derivations
multiIdeal< K >MultiIdeal class
multiPolynomial< K >Elements of a free module over a polynomial ring
Polynomial< K >Polynomial class
PowProdPowprod class: represents power products, that is things of the form X^aY^bZ^c..
RealRepresentationRingRealRepresentationRing class
RepresentationRingRepresentationRing class
SimpleAlphabetLets the user name the variables
SW_MakerSW_Maker class: computes Stiefel-Whitney classes
Table< T >Table class : 2-dimensional arrays
Tuple< T >Tuple class: n-tuples
UnstableAlgebraUnstable Algebra over F_2

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