J. Wong, T. Picchetti, F. Radvanyi and E. Birmelé, Enumerating sets of genomic alterations characterizing a user-defined subgroup.
A. Jérolon, F. Alarcon, F. Pittion, M. Richard, O. François, E. Birmelé and V. Perduca Group lasso based selection for high-dimensional mediation analysis
J. Alves Pegoraro, A. Guerder, T. Similowski, P. Salamitou, J. Gonzalez-Bermejo and E. Birmelé (2025), Detection of COPD exacerbations with continuous monitoring of breathing rate and inspiratory amplitude under oxygen therapy, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.
B. Brulé et al. (2025), Accelerated epigenetic aging in Huntington’s disease involves polycomb repressive complex 1, Nature Communications.
J-P. Noot, E. Birmelé and F. Rey, LSTM and Transformers based methods for Remaining Useful Life Prediction considering Censored Data (2024) In PHM Society European Conference (Vol. 8, No. 1).
C. Boudjeniba et al., Consensus gene modules strategy identifies candidate blood-based biomarkers for primary Sjögren’s disease (2024), Clinical Immunology, 264, 110241.
J. Alves Pegoraro, S. Lavault, N. Wattiez, T. Similowski, J. Gonzalez-Bermejo and E. Birmelé (2021), Machine-learning based feature selection for a non-invasive breathing change detection, BioData Mining
M. Correa, E. Lerat, E. Birmelé, F. Samson, B. Bouillon, K. Normand and C. Rizzon (2021), The transposable element environment of human genes differs according to their duplication status and essentiality, Genome Biology and Evolution.
M. Champion, J. Chiquet, P. Neuvial, M. Elati, F. Radvanyi and E. Birmelé (2021), Identification of Deregulated Transcription Factors Involved in Specific Bladder Cancer Subtypes, extended journal version, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 19, 1, n. 2140003.
A. Jérolon, L. Baglietto, E. Birmelé, V. Perduca and F. Alarcon (2020), Causal mediation analysis in presence of multiple mediators uncausally related, International Journal of Biostatistics, 2020
E. Birmelé, F. de Montgolfier, L. Planche and L. Viennot (2020), Decomposing a Graph into Shortest Paths with Bounded Eccentricity, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 284, 353-374
E. Holsbo, V. Perduca, L.A. Bongo, E. Lund and E. Birmelé (2020), Predicting breast cancer metastasis from whole-blood transcriptomic measurements, BMC Research Notes, 13, 248
M. Champion, J. Chiquet, P. Neuvial, M. Elati, F. Radvanyi and E. Birmelé (2020), Identification of Deregulated Transcription Factors Involved in Specific Bladder Cancer Subtypes, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, EPiC Series in Computing, 70, 1-10
E. Birmelé, F. de Montgolfier and L. Planche (2019) On the Minimum Eccentricity Isometric Cycle Problem, Latin and American Graph and Optimisation Symposium (LAGOS 2019), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 346, 159-169
E. Birmelé, F. de Montgolfier, L. Planche and L. Viennot (2017), Decomposing a Graph into Shortest Paths with Bounded Eccentricity, International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 92
E. Birmelé, F. de Montgolfier F. and L. Planche (2016), Minimum Eccentricity Shortest Path Problem: an Approximation Algorithm and Relation with the k-Laminarity Problem, Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA’16), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10043, 216-229.
T. Picchetti, J. Chiquet, M. Elati, P. Neuvial, R. Nicolle and E. Birmelé (2015), A model for gene deregulation detection using expression data, BMC Systems Biology 2015, 9(Suppl 6):S6
R. Andrade, E. Birmelé, A. Mary , T. Picchetti and M.-F. Sagot (2015), Incremental complexity of a bi-objective hypergraph transversal problem, Fundamentals of Computation Theory 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9210, 202-213.
P. Latouche, E. Birmelé and C. Ambroise (2014), Model selection in overlapping stochastic block models, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, 762-794.
P. Milreu, C. Coimbre Klein, L. Cottret, V. Acuna, E. Birmelé, M. Borassi, C. Junot, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, A. Marino, L. Stougie, F. Jourdan, P. Crescenzi, V. Lacroix and M.-F. Sagot (2014),Telling metabolic stories to explore metabolomics data: a case study on the yeast response to cadmium exposure, Bioinformatics 30 (1): 61-70
E. Birmelé, R. Ferreira, R. Grossi, A. Marino, N. Pisanti, R. Rizzi and G. Sacomoto (2013), Optimal Listing of Cycles and st-Paths in Undirected Graphs, Proceedings of 24th ACM/SIAM Symposium On Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2013, ACM Press
E. Birmelé (2012), Detecting local network motifs, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6, 908-933.
V. Acuna, E. Birmelé, L. Cottret, P. Crescenzi, F. Jourdan, V. Lacroix, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, A. Marino, P. Vieira Milreu, M.-F. Sagot and L. Stougie (2012), Telling Stories: Enumerating maximal directed acyclic graphs with a constrained set of sources and targets, Theoretical Computer Science, 457(2), 1-9.
E. Birmelé, P. Crescenzi, R. Ferreira, R. Grossi, V. Lacroix, A. Marino, N. Pisanti, G. Sacomoto and M.-F. Sagot (2012), Efficient bubble enumeration in directed graphs, String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE) 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
P. Latouche, E. Birmelé and C. Ambroise (2012), Variational Bayesian inference and complexity control for stochastic block models, Statistical Modelling, 12(1), 93-115.
P. Latouche, E. Birmelé and C. Ambroise (2011), Overlapping stochastic block model with application to the french political blogosphere, Annals of Applied Statistics, 5(1), 309-336.
E. Birmelé, F. Delbot, C. Laforest and N. Thibaut (2011), Analyse du nombre de perturbations lors du maintien d’un arbre de connexion de faible diamètre, Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 30(7), 781-808.
P. Milreu, V. Acuna, E. Birmelé, P. Crescenzi, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, M.-F. Sagot, L. Stougie and V. Lacroix (2010), Enumerating chemical organisations in consistent metabolic networks: Complexity and algorithms, WABI’2010, 6293, 226-237.
E. Birmelé (2009), A scale-free graph model based on bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(10), 2267-2284.
E. Birmelé, F. Delbot and C. Laforest (2009), Mean analysis of an online algorithm for the vertex cover problem, Information Processing Letters, 109, 436-439.
E. Birmelé, J.A. Bondy and B.A. Reed, (2009). Tree-width of graphs without a 3 by 3 grid minor, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(12), 2577-2596.
E. Birmelé, M. Elati, C. Rouveirol, and C. Ambroise (2008). Identification of functional modules based on transcriptional regulation structure, BMC Proceedings, 2(4):S4.
E. Birmelé (2008). Every longest circuit of a 3-connected, \(K_{3,3}\)-minor free graph has a chord, J. Graph Theory, 58(4), 293-298.
E. Birmelé, J.A. Bondy and B.A. Reed (2007). The Erdos-Posa property for long circuits, Combinatorica, 27(2), 135-145.
E. Birmelé, E., J.A. Bondy and B.A. Reed (2007). Brambles, prisms and grids, Graph Theory in Paris - Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Claude Berge, Birkhauser.
C. Matias, S. Schbath, E. Birmelé, J.-J. Daudin and S. Robin (2006). Networks motifs: mean and variance for the count, Revstat, 4(1), 31-51.
Bessy, S., Birmelé, E., and Havet, F. (2006). Arc-chromatic number of digraphs in which every vertex has bounded outdegree or bounded indegree, J. Graph Theory, 53(4), 315-332.
Birmelé, E. (2003). Tree-width and circumference of graphs, J. Graph Theory, 43(1), 24-25