Michel Coornaert
Strasbourg, France

VoiceOver 10.7

Using Finder with VoiceOver Mac OS 10.7 Lion

Finder is the default software which opens when the computer is started. It is a file manager that is responsible for the overall user-management of files, disks, network volumes and the launching of other applications.

  • It is recommended to use the Columns' View option for displaying the items in Finder.
    To activate the Columns' View:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "View" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "as Columns" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • Important: for the instructions below, it is assumed that VoiceOver is on and that Quick Nav is off.
    To toggle VoiceOver on or off, press Cmd + F5.
    When VoiceOver is on, press simultaneously the Right and Left arrows to toggle Quick Nav on or off.

  • To select an item in Finder (file, folder, usb key, etc.):
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Go" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Computer" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    You are then at the root of the computer's tree.
    Imagine that the tree is horizontal with its root on the left.
    Use the Arrows to move in the computer's tree to the item you want to select.

  • To delete a file or a folder:
    Select the item, then
    Press Cmd + Delete (The Delete key is just above the Return key).

  • To Copy and then Paste an item:
    Select the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Edit" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Copy" with the Down Arrow (one hears "Copy" followed by the name of the item), then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Use the Arrows to move in the computer's tree to the folder where you want to paste the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Edit" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Paste" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    Warning: if there is already an item with the same name in the folder, a dialog box with a warning message will open.
    If so, move to "Replace" with Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To Copy and then Paste several consecutive items:
    Select the first item, then
    Select the other items by keeping the Shift key pressed while simultaneously moving with the Down Arrow, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Edit" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Copy" with the Down Arrow (one hears "Copy" followed by the number of items), then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Use the Arrows to move in the computer's tree to the folder where you want to paste the items, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Edit" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Paste" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    Warning: if there is already items with the same name in the folder, a dialog box with a warning message will open.
    If so move to "Replace" with Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To compress an item:
    Select the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Compress" with the Down Arrow (one hears "Compress" followed by the name of the item), then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    A compressed version of the item is then created with the ".zip" extension.

  • To open a file or an application:
    Select the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Open" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
  • To open a file with an application that is not the default application:
    Select the file, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to the submenu "Open with" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Select the application with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To open an audio file (mp3, wave, etc.) while staying in Finder:
    Select the audio file, then
    Press Spacebar to start playing. Press Spacebar again to stop or restart playing.
    To pause or resume playing:
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar (you must be located on the Mute button. If you are not on the Mute button, move with Ctrl + Opt + Right or Left Arrow until hearing "Mute" and then press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar).
    To move backwards or forwards:
    Go to "x percent time line" by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow, then
    Interact by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Shift + Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Left Arrow to go backwards or Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow to go forwards
    (press simultaneously the Shift key if you want to move more quickly).

  • To change the name of an item (file, folder, usb key, etc.):
    Select the item, then
    Press the Return key, then
    Type the new name, then
    Press again the Return key.
    The previous extension will stay unchanged.
    If you also want to change the extention, you must use the Forward Delete key to supress the previous extension (on Macbook, Fn + Delete), then
    Type the new extension.
    Warning: if you change the extension, a dialog box with a warning message will open.

  • To duplicate an item:
    Select the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Duplicate" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To create a new folder:
    Select the location (folder, usb key, etc.) where you want to create the new folder, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "New Folder" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Type the name of the new folder, then
    Press the Return key.

  • To eject a usb key or a CD:
    Select the item (it is located at the root of the computer's tree), then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Eject" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To get informations about an item (size, creation date, last modification date, etc.):
    Select the item, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Get Info" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Move in the information window by using Ctrl + Opt + Right or Left Arrow.

  • To change the default application that is launched when files with a given extension are opened:
    Select a file with the given extension, then
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "File" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Get Info" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar to open the information window, then
    Move in the information window by pressing a few times Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow until the disclosure triangle "Open with" and expand it by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow until the application pop-up button, then
    Select the new default application by moving with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • To empty Trash:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Finder" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Empty Trash…" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, a dialog box with a warning message opens,
    Go to "Empty Trash" with Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    Another Way to empty trash:
    Go to the Dock by pressing Ctrl + Opt + d, then
    Select the Trash with the Left Arrow, then
    Select "Empty Trash" with the Up Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, a dialog box with a warning message will open, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar again.

  • To access to Mac Help:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Help" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "Help Center" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    One navigates in Mac Help as in web pages (see Using Safari).

  • Some Shortcuts:
    To copy: Cmd + c
    To paste: Cmd + v
    To drag and drop: Cmd + Opt + v
    To select all: Cmd + a
    To duplicate: Cmd + d
    To get Info: Cmd + i
    To open: Cmd + o
    To undo: Cmd + z
    To go to application folder: Cmd + Shift + a
    To go to the root of the folder tree (computer): Cmd + Shift + c
    To go to user's desktop folder: Cmd + Shift + d
    To go to user's home folder: Cmd + Shift + h
    To close window: Cmd + w
    To close all windows: Cmd + Opt + w
    To eject: Cmd + e
    To create a new folder: Cmd + Shift + n
    To move to trash: Cmd + Delete
    To empty trash: Cmd + Shift + Delete

  • VoiceOver Commands

  • To know the version of Finder on your computer:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Finder" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "About Finder" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • Finder Version: 10.7.5

  • Please send me your comments about this page by e-mail

  • Last Update: February 25, 2019