Michel Coornaert
Strasbourg, France

VoiceOver 10.7

Using ABBYY FineReader Express with VoiceOver

ABBYY FineReader Express is an optical character recognition (OCR) software for converting text images, such as digital photos or scans of text documents, into editable text files. It can also convert PDFs that VoiceOver cannot read into readable PDFs. FineReader Express may be used with or without a scanner connected to the computer. It supports several document languages including English, French, and German. The compatibility of FineReader Express with WoiceOver is very good.
FineReader Express may be purchased from Apple App Store.
  • To convert the text contained in an image file into a Text file, Spreadsheet file, HTML file, or searchable PDF file:
    Select the image file in Finder (see Using Finder), then
    Go to the Menu Bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to the menu "File" with the Right arrow, then
    Go to the submenu "Open With" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press the Right Arrow, then
    Select "ABBYY FineReader Express" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar (this will open the Quick Task menu in FineReader Express), then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow twice, then
    Select the document language in the language pop up menu by moving with the Up and Down Arrows, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press a few times Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow until hearing "Convert to Text Document button", "Convert to Spreadsheet Document button", "Convert to HTML Document button", or "Convert to Searchable PDF button", then
    Activate the selected button by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press the Return key to activate the Save default button in the dialog box. The desired file is then created with a ".txt", ".xls", ".html", or ".pdf" extension and saved in the current folder. There is a check box in the last dialog box for simultaneously opening the file in the default application associated with the extension. One can also choose in that dialog box another folder for the location of the created file.

  • To scan a document and convert it into a Text file, Spreadsheet file, HTML file, or searchable PDF file:
    Make sure that your scanner is properly installed and connected to your computer, then
    Open FineReader Express, then
    Select the scanner in the pop-up menu of the Quick Task window by moving with the Up and Down Arrows, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow twice, then
    Select the document language in the language pop up menu by moving with the Up and Down Arrows, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press a few times Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow until hearing "Convert to Text Document button", "Convert to Spreadsheet Document button", "Convert to HTML Document button", or "Convert to Searchable PDF button", then
    Activate the selected button by pressing Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press a few times Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow in the new dialog box until hearing "Scan button", then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar, then
    Press a few times Ctrl + Opt + Right Arrow in the new dialog box until hearing "Get Result", then
    Press the Return key to activate the Save default button in the dialog box. The desired file is then created with a ".txt", ".xls", ".html", or ".pdf" extension and saved in the Document folder. There is a check box in the last dialog box for simultaneously opening the file in the default application associated with the extension. One can also choose in that dialog box another folder for the location of the file.

  • To open FineReader Express Help:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "Help" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "FineReader Help" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.
    One navigates in FineReader Express Help as in web pages (see Using Safari).

  • Some shortcuts:
    New task: Cmd + n
    To quit FineReader Express: Cmd + q

  • VoiceOver Commands

  • To know the version of FineReader Express on your computer:
    Go to the Menu bar by pressing Ctrl + Opt + m, then
    Go to "ABBYY FineReader Express" with the Right Arrow, then
    Go to "About FineReader Express" with the Down Arrow, then
    Press Ctrl + Opt + Spacebar.

  • FineReader Express Version: 8.3.326528
    Scanner used: CanoScan LiDE 35

  • Please send me your comments about this page by e-mail.

  • Last Update: November 3, 2013