Index | By year | Hook formula | Trees | Hankel | Interdiscipline | Divers |
[95] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, V. Strehl, The Entringer-Poupard Matrix Sequence, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 512, 2017, pp. 71-96. [download pdf ]
[89] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, André Permutation Calculus: a Twin Seidel Matrix Sequence, 73e Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 73, [B73e], 2016, 54 pages. [download pdf ]
[83] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, Seidel Triangle Sequences and Bi-Entringer Numbers, European Journal of Combinatorics, 42, 2014, pp. 243-260. [download pdf ]
[81] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, Secant Tree Calculus, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 12, 2014, pp. 1852-1870. [download pdf ]
[80] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, Tree Calculus for Bivariate Difference Equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20, 2014, pp. 1453-1488. [download pdf ]
[79] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, Finite Difference Calculus for Alternating Permutations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19, 2013, pp. 1952-1966. [download pdf ]
[30] D. Foata, G.-N. Han, Arbres minimax et polynômes d'André, Advances in Appl. Math., 27, 2001, pp. 367-389. [download pdf ]