Index | By year | Hook formula | Trees | Hankel | Interdiscipline | Divers |
[102] Y. Zhou, G.-N. Han, N.-Z. Shi, W.-K.Fung, J.-H. Guo, Maximum likelihood estimates of recombination fractions under restrictions for family data with multiple offspring, Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 40, 2010, pp. 971-984. [download pdf ]
[97] X. Liu, G. Han, J. Wu, Z. Shao, G. Coatrieux, H. Shu, Fractional Krawtchouk Transform With an Application to Image Watermarking, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65, 2017, pp. 1894-1908. [download PDF ]
[73] H.Zhang, H.Shu, G.N.Han, G.Coatrieux, L.Luo, J.L.Coatrieux, Blurred image recognition by Legendre moment invariants, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 19, 2010, pp. 596-611. [download PDF ]
[72] X.B. Dai, H.Z. Shu, L.M. Luo, G.N. Han, J.L. Coatrieux, Reconstruction of tomographic images from limited range projections using discrete Radon transform and Tchebichef moments, Pattern Recognition, 43, 2010, pp. 1152-1164. [download PDF ]
[44] H.Z Shu, L.M Luo, G.N. Han, J.L. Coatrieux, A general method to derive the relationship between two sets of Zernike coefficients corresponding to different aperture sizes, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23, 2006, pp. 1960-1966. [download PDF ]
[42] H.Z. Shu, J. Zhou, G.N. Han, L.M. Luo, J.L. Coatrieux, Image reconstruction from limited range projections using orthogonal moments, Pattern Recognition, 40, 2007, pp. 670-680. [download PDF ]
[39] G.Y. Yang, H.Z. Shu, C. Toumoulin, G.-N. Han, L.M. Luo, Efficient Legendre moment computation for grey level images, Pattern Recognition, 39, 2006, pp. 74-80. [download PDF ]
[31] G.-N. Han, C.-C. Zhang, On the origin of Ser/Thr kinases in a prokaryote, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 200, 2001, pp. 79-84. [download PDF ]
[27] H. Shu, L. Luo, X. Bao, W. Yu, G.-N. Han, An Efficient Method for Computation of Legendre Moments, Graphical Models, 62(4), 2000, pp. 237-262. [download PDF ]