Hans-Werner Henn


Département de Mathématique et

Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée

Université de Strasbourg

7, rue René Descartes

67084 Strasbourg Cedex


Tél.: +33 (0)3 68 85 02 48

Fax: +33 (0)3 68 85 03 28

e-mail: henn[at]math[point]unistra[point]fr

Member of the Editorial Board of  Topology and its Applications

Editor of Algebraic and Geometric Topology

List of publications

Notes of an Advanced Course on Classifying Spaces and Cohomology of Groups

(given at the CRM (Barcelona), from May 27 to June 2, 1998)

Semaine speciale/Summer school (May 7-11, 2007): Stable homotopy theory: classical calculations and modern structures 

Seminaire "Algèbre et Topologie"

Groupe de Travail "Homotopie stable et groupes formels"  2000/2001

Various links

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