Registered participants
- Lingling Cao (Ecole des Ponts Paristech)
- Jyong-Hao Chen (PSI and ETH Zürich)
- Mark H Fischer (ETH Zürich)
- Luca Fresta (ETH Zürich)
- Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zürich)
- Krzysztof Gawedzki (ENS de Lyon)
- Gian Michele Graf (ETH Zürich)
- Kiyonori Gomi (Shinshu University)
- Yasuhiro Hatsugai (University of Tsukuba)
- Sebastian Huber (ETH Zürich)
- Alain Joye (Université Grenoble-Alpes)
- Hansueli Jud (ETH Zürich)
- Johannes Kellendonk (Université de Lyon)
- Max Lein (Tohoku University)
- Giovanna Marcelli (Tübingen Universität)
- Christopher Max (University of Cologne)
- Domenico Monaco (Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre)
- Julien Montant (ETH Zürich)
- Christopher Mudry (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Giuseppe De Nittis (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
- Gianluca Panati (Sapienza Universitá di Roma)
- Valerio Peri (ETH Zürich)
- Ioannis Petrides (ETH Zürich)
- Frank Schindler (University of Zürich)
- Jacob Shapiro (ETH Zürich)
- Clément Tauber (ETH Zürich)
- Guo Chuan Thiang (University of Adelaide)
- Mathai Varghese (University of Adelaide)
- Oded Zilberberg (ETH Zürich)
- Marcel Zimmer (University of Cologne)
If you have filled the registration form and ended on a confirmation webpage you should appear shortly after on the list above. If this is not the case please send an email to