Scientific activities

Organizing committee

  • ProHyp 2026: 4th international workshop on Perspectives on Multiphase fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics and hyperbolic balance laws
    Strasbourg, France. → previous ProHyp 2024
  • PANDA-Hyp: Perspectives And New Developments, in Advanced numerical methods for HYPerbolic PDEs.
    Honorary colloquium for the 65th birthday of Gabriella Puppo
    10 - 11/10/2024, Arcachon, France. → website
  • FVCA10: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 10
    30/10/ - 3/11/2023, Strasbourg, France. → website


  • 2023 PEPS JCJC
    Project: Robust and Efficient numerical schemes for all-speed two-phase flows
  • 2021 PROCOPE mobility grant for France
    Project: Efficient numerical simulation of mono-materials and multi-material interactions.
  • 2017-2020: INdAM-DP-COFUND-2015 (Cofunded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
    INdAM Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or Applications
    Project: Numerical methods for fluid flows around steady states in the low Mach regime of the Euler equations with gravity

Conferences and seminars (selected)


  • Invited speaker at the Numerical methods for hyperbolic problems (NumHyp2025) Conference in Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Seminar talk, TU Clausthal, Germany, January 2025.


  • Invited speaker at New trends in the numerical Analysis of PDEs, Lille, France.
    A structure-preserving semi-implicit IMEX FV scheme for ideal MHD at all Mach and Alfvén numbers
  • Invited speaker at the 3rd International workshop on Perspectives on Multiphase Fluid Dynamics, Continuum Mechanics and Hyperbolic Balance Laws (ProHyp2024), Trento, Italy.
    Numerical methods for a two-fluid model derived from SHTC theory
  • Contributed talk at the Oberwolfach Workshop 2409: Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Interplay between Scales and Randomness, Organizers: Remi Abgrall, Mauro Garavello, Mária Lukáčová-Medvid’ová, Konstantina Trivisa.
    An all-speed IMEX scheme for two-fluid flows
  • Invited speaker at the INdAM Workshop INSiDEs: Innovations in the Numerical Treatment of Stiff Differential Equations), Rome, Italy.
    TVD-MOOD schemes based on implicit-explicit time integration

before 2023

  • Contributed talk at the Finite Volumes in Complex Applications X (FVCA 10) Conference, Strasbourg, France, 2023.
    A (two-dimensional) linear implicit relaxed scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
  • Invited speaker at the CEA-GAMNI/SMAI Workshop on fluid dynamics, Paris, France, 2023.
    Semi-implicit schemes for all Mach number flows
  • XVII Int. Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Málaga, Spain, 2022.
  • Contributed talk at the Hirschegg Workshop on Conservation Laws, Hirschegg, Austria, 2021.
  • Contributed talk at the Numerical methods for hyperbolic problems (NumHyp 2021) Conference,Trento, Italy, 2021.
  • Contributed talk at the International Conference on Spectral and Higher Order Methods, ICOSAHOM 2021, Vienna, Austria, 2021. (online)