• Feel free to discuss mathematics with me by e-mails:

    Xiaolin Zeng <xiaolin.zeng{At-Symbol}unistra.fr>

  • Mailing address:

    IRMA, Université de Strasbourg

    7 rue René Descartes

    67084 Strasbourg, France

  • My office:

    Bureau I-201 of IRMA building:

    Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée

    7 rue René Descartes

    67084 Strasbourg France

    Tel: 03 68 85 01 56

    Wazo: 50156

  • How to go to IRMA?

    Once arrive at the railway station of Strasbourg, the best way is to take tram line C (to the left of the station), take the only possible direction (Neuhof Rodolphe Reuss), take off at the ‘Universite’ station. Join the Edmond Labbe road, IRMA is 200 meters walk away.