Research responsibilities
Organization of national and international scientific events
- Co-organiser of the
conference "New Trends in the Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Magnetism"
: 2025,
- University of Strasbourg, (link to the conference)
- Co-organiser of the XXIst International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP)
: 2024,
- Conference center of Strasbourg, (link to the congress)
- Co-organiser of two
mini-symposia "Modelling and asymptotics for ferromagnetic material"
: 2024,
- Congress of numerical analysis (CANUM2024), (link to the mini-symposia)
- Co-organiser of the congress"Finite Volumes for
Complex Applications (FVCA10)"
: 2023,
- University of Strasbourg, (link to the congress)
- Co-organiser of the
summer school
"Deep learning and applications"
: 2022,
- University of Strasbourg, (link to the summer school)
- Co-organiser of a
mini-symposium "Study of
ferromagnetic systems": 2022,
- ECCOMAS congress 2022, (link to the minisymposium)
Organization of local scientific events
- Co-organiser of the
Institut Thématique
Interdisciplinaire (ITI) IRMIA++ seminar
: since 2024,
- University of Strasbourg, (seminar website)
- Co-organiser of the sem'in (laboratory internal seminar) : since 2023,
- University of Strasbourg. (seminar website)
- Co-organiser of the
research seminar: since 2021,
- University of Strasbourg. (seminar website)
- Co-organiser of the
Ph.D's seminar: 2016-2017,
- University Paris-Sud (Orsay)
Research projects
- Member of
associated INRIA team PANDA
: 2024-2026,
- Research project : Study of systems of dispersive PDEs for the propagation of waves
- Principal Investigator : A. de Laire (University of Lille)
- Member of ANR
project MOSICOF
: 2021-2025,
- Research project : Modeling and Simulation of Complex Ferromagnetic Systems
- Principal Investigator : S. Labbé (Sorbonne University)
- Member of ANR DFG
project MILK
: 2021-2024,
- Research project : Machine learning for reduced kinetic models
- Principal Investigator : E. Franck (INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, University of Strasbourg)
- Principal
investigator of the projet "PEPS Jeunes Chercheurs"
: 2019, (approx. 3500 €)
- Research project: Study of the magnetization reversal dynamics in nanowires: influence of temperature and external magnetic field
- Associate collaborators: R.Côte, P.-A.Hervieux, R.Ignat, G.Manfredi
- Member of
projet "PEPS Jeunes Chercheurs"
: 2018, (approx. 4500 €)
- Research project: Implicit relaxation schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic systems
- Other members : E.Franck (Principal Investigator), F.Drui
- Referee for
the journals:
- IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
- Nonlinearity
- ESAIM : M2AN (2 papers)
- Numerical Algorithms
- Engineering Computations
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
- Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
- (+ 7 article reviews for Mathematical Reviews/MathScinet)
Administrative responsibilities
Committees and mandates
- Member
of the laboratory board
: since 2024,
- University of Strasbourg
- Member of
the mathematicians committee:
since 2021,
- University of Strasbourg
- Member of
the INRIA center committee: since 2021,
- INRIA Nancy, Grand Est
- Member of
the laboratory board: 2016-2017,
- University Paris Sud (Orsay)
Pedagogic responsibilities
- In charge of a
Bachelor programm (now an
option since 2024): since 2021,
- option "mathematics and statistics to prepare for administrative competitions” of the Bachelor in public administration
- Joint programm between the UFR Mathematics-Informatics and IPAG (Institute for the Preparation to the General Administration)
Equality issues
- "Parity responsible" of
the laboratory
: since 2024,
- University of Strasbourg
- Member
of the parity committee of the laboratory: since 2024,
- University of Strasbourg
- Co-responsible
for parity for the faculty of mathematics and computer science
: since 2024,
- University of Strasbourg
- PhD supervision:
- 2023-2026 :
Lauriane Turelier
(50%, Co-supervisors: Raphaël Côte),
Ferromagnetism and domain walls in nanowires
- 2023-2026 :
Lauriane Turelier
- Postdoctoral
- 2022-2023 :
Postdoctoral research of Ludovic
Godard-Cadillac (Ludovic is actually assistant prof. at Bordeaux).
(33%, Co-supervisors: Raphaël Côte and Yannick Privat),
Systems of nanoparticles in interaction
- 2022-2023 :
Postdoctoral research of Ludovic
Godard-Cadillac (Ludovic is actually assistant prof. at Bordeaux).
- 2021-2023:
Postdoctoral research of Guillaume
Ferriere (Guillaume is actually INRIA researcher at Lille).
(33%, Co-supervisors: Raphaël Côte and Yannick Privat),
Stability and optimal control of ferromagnetic models - Master 2 level:
- 2022-2023 : Master's thesis
(Master 2) of
Lauriane Turelier,
(50%, 5 months, co-supervisor: Raphaël Côte),
Stability of solitons and domain walls
- 2022-2023 : Master's thesis
(Master 2) of
Lauriane Turelier,
- 2022-2023:
Scientific computing project
(Master 2) of
Lucas Palazzolo,
(100%, 3 months),
Numerical simulation of a ferromagnetic material - 2021-2022:
Master's thesis (Master 2) of Roxana Sublet,
(100%, 4 months),
Classification problems and support vector machine - Master 1 level:
- 2022-2023 : Scientific text study (Master 1)
of Pierre Balzano,
(50%, 4 months, co-supervisor: Victor Michel-Dansac),
Introduction to the analysis of hyperbolic systems
- 2022-2023 : Scientific text study (Master 1)
of Pierre Balzano,
- 2020-2021:
Research internship (Master 1 at
Centrale Lyon) of Killian Lutz,
(25%, 3 months, co-supervisors: Emmanuel Franck, Laurent Navoret and Yannick Privat),
Control and machine learning for epidemiology - Bachelor level:
- Since 2019:
Projects in scientific computing,
(100%, 3 months),
Between 10 and 15 projects per year
- Since 2019:
Projects in scientific computing,
- 2024-2025:
Dissertation (3rd year of Bachelor
"Magistère") of Camille Keller,
(100%, 4 months),
The finite volume method for approximating conservation laws - 2023-2024:
Dissertation (3rd year of Bachelor
"Magistère") of Elisa Cuoco,
(100%, 4 months),
Variational PDE formulation and finite element method - 2020-2021:
Dissertation (3rd year of Bachelor "Magistère") of Lucas Palazzolo,
(100%, 4 months),
Study of the soliton of Korteweg-de Vries equation and non linear Schrödinger equation 2019-2020: Dissertation (3rd year of Bachelor "Magistère") of Roxana Sublet,(100%)12019-2020: Dissertation (3rd year of Bachelor "Magistère") of Mathéo Marquat,(100%)1
1. Dissertations cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.
Participation in juries
- Selection committee for
an associate professor:
- (in section 26) University of Toulouse, 2025
- (in section 26) University of Strasbourg, 2025
- (Poste AGPR) ENS of Paris-Saclay, 2024
- (in section 26) University of Lorraine (two positions), 2024
- (in section 26) University of Strasbourg, 2023
- (in section 25-26) University of Strasbourg, 2020
- Involvement
in PhD committees :
- (member of the PhD committee) Mouna Kassan (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), 2023
- (thesis monitoring committee) Srikanth Togere Nagesh (Strasbourg astronomical observatory), 2023, 2024
- (thesis monitoring committee) Hung Yen-Chung (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), 2022, 2023, 2024
- Participation in jury competition :
- Jury of "agrégation externe de mathématiques" (competitive examination): since 2022,
- Proofreader and corrector of the mathematics test, ENS competition in B/L section: 2021, 2022, 2023
- Jury of "Olympiades de mathématiques de première": since 2024
- Expertise in file review :
- Member of the (bachelor) selection committees Parcoursup and eCandidat, University of Strasbourg : 2021, 2022, 2023
Science popularization
Actions aimed at secondary school students
- School of
mathematics and computer science for
high school girls in the Grand Est
- School Les cigognes, (co-organization with Anne de Roton, Marie Duflot-Kremer, Pierre Py, Samuel Tapie), 2023, 2024
- Scientific workshops
for high school students
- Scientific workshop "Modeling a chocolate cake" (2h), high school in Bouxwiller, 2024, 2025 (future)
- Scientific workshop "Dirichlet triangles" (2x3h), MathC2+ school (co-organization with Pierre Py), 2023
- Talk on
popularization of science for
high schools
- Talk (1h), RJMI workshop in Strasbourg university, 2023, 2025 (future),
- Talk (1h30), MathC2+ school in Strasbourg university, 2023, 2024
- Talk (1h), high schools in Bouxwiller, 2023,
- Speed-meetings
between high school girls and women
- "Science, a woman's profession" day, 2024, Strasbourg
- "Girls, Mathematics and Computer science" day, 2018, Toulouse, 2023, Mulhouse
- Involvement in high
- Talk on "Events to encourage high school girls to take up science", at the IREM-mathematics laboratories, 2025 (future) Strasbourg
- Regular meetings with the Ingwiller-Bouxwiller secondary school mathematics laboratory, since 2023
Initiatives to promote university studies
- Presentation on
scientific careers in the academic community
: 2023, online
- Presentation for doctoral students
Presentation of post-baccalaureate studies and
open day in the university :
- University and post-baccalaureate training programs days, (Speaker for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), 2020, 2021(online), 2023, 2024, 2025 (future) Strasbourg
- Open Day (Speaker for the Department of Mathematics and Modelling), 2019, INSA of Toulouse
- Salon de l'orientation ONISEP (SMAI/applied mathematics representative), 2016, Paris