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Chern_Maker Class Reference

#include <chern_maker.H>

Inheritance diagram for Chern_Maker:

Exponentiator< F_2 > List of all members.

Detailed Description

Chern_Maker class: computes Chern classes.

This is an Exponentiator<F_2> which knows:

Definition at line 22 of file chern_maker.H.

Public Member Functions

void start (RepresentationRing *thesource, GradedAlgebra< F_2 > *thetarget)
virtual void create_regular_variables (string prefix)
 new version, which takes the schur indices into account

Member Function Documentation

void Chern_Maker::create_regular_variables string  prefix  )  [virtual]

new version, which takes the schur indices into account

Reimplemented from Exponentiator< F_2 >.

Definition at line 14 of file chern_maker.cpp.

References Polynomial< K >::alphabet, AugmentedAlgebra< K >::epsilon, SimpleAlphabet::nameof(), GradedAlgebra< K >::new_variable(), Table< T >::resize(), RepresentationRing::schur_indices, Polynomial< K >::sets_to_zero(), Exponentiator< F_2 >::var, and SimpleAlphabet::variables_in_use().

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