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Roxana SUBLET     

PhD student at the Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA), Unité Mixte de Recherche 7501 of the CNRS and the Université of Strasbourg

Contacts :

Research activity

I am a part of the MOCO team. My main area of research is cell dynamic system modeling.

My supervisors are
Laurent NAVORET, IRMA, University of Strasbourg
Marcela SZOPOS, MAP5, University of Paris-Cité.

My thesis is part of the ANR MAPEFLU project, which aims to understand the role of apoptosis in cell tissue fludity

Publications and pre-publications

My publications are posted on HAL.

- Vincent Calvez, Mete Demircigil, Roxana Sublet. Mathematical modeling of cell collective motion triggered by self-generated gradients. Active Particles, Volume 3, 2021, 978-3-030-93302-9.

Teaching activity

I teach linear optimization to L3 DUAS students in S5.
I teach maths for physics to S2 L1 students.