[24] |
Weyl asymptotics for exponential small singular values
joint with Michael Hitrik and Johannes Sjöstrand. |
[23] |
Delocalization of eigenvectors of non-Hermitian banded noisy Toeplitz matricess
joint with Anirban Basak and Ofer Zeitouni. |
[22] |
Subradiant resonances of large disordered quantum systems
joint with Frédéric Klopp. |
[21] |
Spectral instability of random Fredholm operators
joint with Simon Becker and Izak Oltman, 31 pages, arXiv preprint (2025), submitted. |
[20] |
Pseudospectra and eigenvalue asymptotics for disordered non-selfadjoint operators
in the semiclassical limit
Front. Appl. Math. Stat., Vol. 10, 2024, (review article). |
[19] |
Improved L∞ bounds for eigenfunctions under
random perturbations in negative curvature
joint with Maxime Ingremeau, 25 pages, arXiv preprint (2024), submitted. |
[18] |
Absence of small magic angles for disordered tunneling potentials in
twisted bilayer graphene
joint with Simon Becker and Izak Oltman, 35 pages, arXiv preprint (2024), accepted for publication in Contemp. Math. |
[17] |
Magic angle (in)stability and mobility edges in disordered Chern insulators
joint with Simon Becker and Izak Oltman, 39 pages, arXiv preprint (2023), submitted. |
[16] |
Emergence of Gaussian fields in noisy quantum chaotic dynamics
joint with Maxime Ingremeau, 66 pages, arXiv preprint (2023), submitted. |
[15] |
Tunneling for the d-bar operator
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Vietnam J. Math. 52, 1017-1041 (2024). |
[14] |
Localization of eigenvectors of non-Hermitian banded noisy Toeplitz matricess
joint with Anirban Basak and Ofer Zeitouni, Probability and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 4 (2023), No. 3, pages 477-607. |
[13] |
On an almost sure Weyl law for quantized tori
Oberwolfach Reports (2019) |
[12] |
Deterministic equivalence for noisy perturbations
joint with Ofer Zeitouni, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), pages 3905-3911. |
[11] |
Almost sure Weyl law for quantized tori
Commun. Math. Phys. 378(2), 1539-1585, 2020. |
[10] |
General Toeplitz matrices subject to Gaussian perturbations
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Ann. Henri Poincaré 22(1), 49-81, 2021. |
[9] |
Toeplitz band matrices with small random perturbations
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Indag. Math. Vol. 32, Issue 1 (2021), p. 275-322. |
[8] |
Semiclassical resolvent estimates for bounded potentials
joint with Frédéric Klopp, Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 1 (2019), No. 1, 1-25. |
[7] |
Local eigenvalue statistics of one-dimensional random non-selfadjoint pseudo-differential operators
joint with Stéphane Nonnenmacher, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 23 (2021), no. 5, pp. 1521-1612. |
[6] |
Spectral Statistics of non-selfadjoint operators subject to small random perturbations
Séminaire Laurent Schwartz - EDP et applications, Exp. No. 19, 24 p, 2016-2017. |
[5] |
Interior eigenvalue density of large bi-diagonal matrices subject to random perturbations
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Microlocal analysis and singular perturbation theory, 201-227, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B61, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2017. |
[4] |
Large Bi-Diagonal matrices and random perturbations
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Journal of Spectral Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 977-1020, 2016. |
[3] |
Two Point Eigenvalue Correlation for a Class of Non-Selfadjoint Operators
Under Random Perturbations
Commun. Mathematical Physics 350, no. 1, 31-78, 2017. |
[2] |
The precise shape of the eigenvalue intensity for a class of non-selfadjoint operators
under random perturbations
Ann. Henri Poincaré 18, no. 2, 435-517, 2017. |
[1] |
Interior eigenvalue density of Jordan matrices with random perturbations
joint with Johannes Sjöstrand, Analysis Meets Geometry: A Tribute to Mikael Passare Trends in Mathematics, pp 439-466, 2017. |
[H1] |
Disordered semiclassical pseudo-differential operators:
Spectral asymptotics, statistics and eigenvector (de-)localization Defence July 7, 2024. |
[T1] |
Spectral properties of random non-self-adjoint operators
[P2] |
Spectral statistics of non-selfadjoint operators subject to small random perturbations
Slides for a talk at the Séminaire Laurent Schwartz, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Mai 2017. |
[P1] |
Spectra of large non-self-adjoint Toeplitz matrices subject to small random perturbations
Slides for a talk at the 8th meeting of the research group Dynamique Quantique, Grénoble, February 2016. |