Xiaolin Zeng

Hello, welcome to my home page, here you will find information about my research and teaching.

I am a “Maître de conférence” of the “Université de Strasbourg” at the “Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée” (IRMA).

My research interests encompass probability, random operators, statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and Bayesian statistics. In particular, I work on the vertex reinforced jump process and its connections to the super-symmetric hyperbolic sigma \(H^{2|2} \)-model. Overall, I have a keen interest in mathematical physics.

I have been organizing the Stochastic Calculus Seminar at IRMA at Strasbourg University since 2020. Since September 2024, I have been co-organizing this seminar with Barbara Dembin.

Please feel free to send me emails: xiaolin.zeng{at}unistra.fr