
Paul Laubie
laubie at unistra dot fr

I am a PhD student at Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, UMR 7501 de l'Université de Strasbourg in the team ART: Algèbre, représentations, topologie under the supervision of Vladimir Dotsenko .

I'm very interested in combinatorics, algebraic operads and homotopy theory and more precisely relationship between those.

Academic path



PhD thesis

Feel free to send me an email if you find any typo. I know there is still a lot of them.

2024 Combinatorics, Homotopy, and Embedding of operads.

Master thesis

2021 The Losev-Manin shuffle algebra.


2021-2024 I teach Algèbre S2 (linear algebra) at the Université de Strasbourg


I've followed the workshop with PhD students about characteristic classes at the Université de Strasbourg.
I've organized a workshop with PhD students about condensed math at the Université de Strasbourg.
I've organized a workshop with PhD students about infinity-categories at the Université de Strasbourg.
I'm following a workshop with PhD students about algebraic stacks at the Université de Strasbourg.