Workshop organisation
Talks: workshop and conferences
- Topological indices for periodically driven systems
A tale of Mathematics and Physics:
Tribute to Krzysztof Gawedzki (ENS de Lyon, 2022)
- Approach to equilibrium in translation-invariant quantum systems
ANR NONSTOPS Meeting (IAS Cergy, 2022)
Topological indices for shallow-water waves
Topological phases of matter (Leysin, 2021)
Topological indices for shallow-water waves
Mathematical aspects of quantum phases of matter (Banach Center, Bedlewo, 2021)
- Topological indices for shallow-water waves
SIAM MS21 (online, 2021)
- Topological indices for shallow-water waves
One World IAMP Mathematical Physics Seminar (2021, online, YouTube link)
- An overview on topological matter
(mini-course in replacement of Gian Michele Graf)
12th Conference of the GDR DYNQUA (Université de Strasbourg, 2020)
- Topology of periodically driven systems
Workshop Disorder and Chaos (Polygone CNRS Grenoble, 2019)
- Bulk-edge correspondence in Floquet topological insulators
Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Methods for waves in structured Media (Université dAix-Marseille, 2019)
- Bulk-edge correspondence
for equatorial waves
From Topology to Photonics and beyond (Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, 2019)
- Topology of periodically driven systems
Mathematical Physics at the Crossings (Virginia Tech, 2019)
- Bulk-edge correspondence for Floquet topological insulators
Solid Math 2018 (McGill University, Montréal, 2018)
- Bulk-edge correspondence for Floquet topological insulators
XIX International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Young Researcher Symposium (Montréal, 2018)
- Analysis of Kubo-like spin transport in topological insulators
Mathematical challenges in quantum mechanics (La Sapienza, Rome, 2018)
- Bulk-edge correspondence for periodically driven systems
From Field Theory to Non-Equilibrium (Laboratoire Dieudonné, Nice, 2017)
- Topological insulators and Wess-Zumino amplitudes
Trieste quantum days (SISSA, Trieste, 2016)
- Topological edge states in two-gap unitary systems
Mathematical challenges in quantum mechanics (Bressanone, 2016)
- Global gauge anomalies in coset models of conformal field theory
Workshop on field theories with defects (Hamburg Universität, 2013)
Talks: institute seminars
- Overview seminar for non-specialists, LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, Paris (2023)
- Mathematical Physics Interdisciplinary Seminar, Grenoble (2022)
- Spectral Problems in Mathematical Physics, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris (2022)
- Seminar Theory of Quantum Matter, Sorbonne Université, Paris (2021)
- Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (2021)
- Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université de Strasbourg (2021)
- Cergy-McGill Seminar (2021, online)
- Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université de Strasbourg (2020)
- Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon (2020, via Zoom)
- Stochastic Problems in Mathematical Physics and Economics, Université Paris-Diderot (2019)
- Department Mathematik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (2018)
- Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes (2018)
- Centre de recherche en mathématiques de la décision, Univsersité Paris Dauphine (2018)
- Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon (2018)
- Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université de Nice (2018)
- Laboratoire de physique théorique de Toulouse (2018)
- Laboratoire de physique théorique et modèles statistiques, Université Paris-Saclay (2018)
- Fachbereich Mathematik, Tübingen Universität (2017)
- Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS de Lyon (2017)
- Institut de physique théorique, ETH Zürich (2016)
- Dipartimento di mathematica, Universitá La Sapienza, Rome (2014)
Referee for the journals
Ph.D student seminar
Between 2012 and 2015 we organized with Thomas Ortiz a bi-monthly seminar between Ph.D students in theoretical physics at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. The archives (in French) can be found here: