Brieuc Frénais

Research activity

I am currently working for my PhD on a random model of particles on the real line subject to a rule of branching with selection, and its relation with a PDE problem with a free boundary. I also went to the CEMRACS 2022 and worked on a problem of mean field optimal transport, using machine learning approach.


  1. The comonotone flow of a stochastically monotone Feller process on the real line, J. Bérard, B. Frénais.
  2. Hydrodynamic limit of N-branching Markov processes, J. Bérard, B. Frénais.
  3. Deep Learning for Mean Field Optimal Transport, S. Baudelet, B. Frénais, M. Laurière, A. Machtalay and Y. Zhu (submitted in February 2023).
