Martin Vogel
CNRS Chargé de Recherche


I am a CNRS Researcher (Chargé de Recherche) in the Analysis team of the IRMA at the Université de Strasbourg.

I have obtained my Habilitation à diriger les recherches in July 2024.

Université de Strasbourg
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée
7 rue René-Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Office: Building IRMA, 2nd floor, i202
Telephone: 03 68 85 01 63


From 2017 to 2018 I was an Erwin Schrödinger Fellow at the Mathematics Departement at the University of California, Berkeley hosted by M. Zworski. From 2015 to 2017, I was a Postdoc with S. Nonnenmacher at the Département de Mathématiques d'Orsay at the University Paris-Saclay.
I obtained my PhD in September 2015 at the Université de Bourgogne directed by J. Sjöstrand, F. Klopp (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) and N. Kitanine.

I am a member of the

Research Interests

My principal research interests lie in disordered quantum systems, semiclassical microlocal analysis and spectral theory. In particular I am interested in the effects of random noise on the spectra of non-selfadjoint operators as they appear for example in open or damped quantum systems. I have done research on the following topics
  • Spectral Theory of non-selfadjoint Operators
  • Quantum Resonances
  • Semiclassical Microlocal Analysis
  • Random Schrödinger Operators
  • Random Matrix Theory