Oral presentations
Presentations in international conferences
26 June 2024: CMBE 2024 in Arlington, USA: A coupled fluid-dynamics-heat transfer model for 3D simulations of the aqueous humor flow in the human eye
13 September 2023: CompBioMed Conference 2023 in Munich, Germany: Model Order Reduction and Sensitivity Analysis for complex ocular simulations inside the human eyeball (abstract)
28 February 2023: Siam Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Model Order Reduction for Complex Ocular Simulations Inside the Human Eyeball (abstract)
Oral presentations at national conferences, workshops and seminars
20 December 2024: PhD Defense
13 December 2024: Groupe de travail Modélisation, Analyse et Simulation: Mathematical modeling, simulation and reduced order modeling of ocular flows and their interactions: Building the Eye’s Digital Twin (abstract).
28 May 2024: CANUM 2024 in Île de Ré: Low to high order finite element resolution for elliptic problems in the presence of a Dirac source term (abstract)
30 January 2024: Journées numériques de Besançon 2024: Model order reduction and sensitivity analysis for complex heat transfer simulations inside the human eyeball
16 January 2024: Séminaire EDP de l'IRMA in Strasbourg: Modèle de réduction d'ordre et analyse de sensibilité pour les simulations de transfert de chaleur à l'intérieur du globe oculaire humain.
12 October 2023: Séminaire doctorant de l'IRMA in Strasbourg: Estimation des interactions dans les communautés microbiennes via un algorithme GSA basé sur un réseau de neurones
23 August 2023: CEMRACS 2023, with Paguiel Javan Hossie and Lucas Perrin in Marseille: Estimation of interactions in microbial communities via a neural network-based generalized smoothing algorithm
15 June 2023: Séminaire doctorant de l'IRMA in Strasbourg: Réduction de modèles et analyse de sensibilité appliqué à un modèle biophysique dans l'œil humain
1 December 2022: Séminaire Jeunes Chercheurs, at Laboratoire Mathématiques de Reims: Modèles de réduction d’ordre des simulations oculaires complexes dans l’œil humain
9 December 2021: Séminaire doctorant de l'IRMA in Strasbourg: Construction de jeux de tuiles apériodiques sur grille héxagonale
Poster in conferences
- CANUM 2020 in Évian-les-Bains, 13 June 2022 and JMBS 2022 in Besançon, 3 - 7 October 2022: Model order reduction for complex ocular simulations inside the human eyeball
Internships and dissertations
2021 Second year internship at Master CSMI: Order reduction method for a porous-elastic model and coupling with an ODE system, under the supervision of Christophe Prud'homme.
2020 First year internship at Master CSMI: Heat and moisture transfer modelling, supervised by Vincent Chabannes, Zohra Djatouti, Romain Hild & Christophe Prud'homme.
2019 Magistère internship: Methods for building aperiodic tile sets on hexagonal grids, under the supervision of Martin Delacourt and Nicolas Ollinger.
2018 Magister thesis: Cellular Automata, under the supervision of Michel Coornaert.