S'abonner à l'agenda

The 100th Encounter between Mathematicians and Theoretical Physicists will take place at Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (University of Strasbourg and CNRS) on September 7-9, 2017. The theme will be : Geometry, dynamics and physics.

Organizers : Norbert A'Campo, Athanase Papadopoulos (Strasbourg) and Sumio Yamada (Tokyo)

The invited speakers include :

  • Daniel Bennequin (Paris)
  • Alberto Cattaneo (Zurich)
  • Sorin Dumitrescu (Nice)
  • Oscar Garcia-Prada (Madrid)
  • Anish Ghosh (Bombay)
  • Basil Gidas (Providence)
  • Hubert Goenner (Goettingen)
  • Jürgen Jost (Leipzig)
  • Catherine Meusburger (Erlangen)
  • Pavel Mnev (Bonn)
  • Gabriele Mondello (Rome)
  • R. C. Penner (IHES)
  • Renzo Ricca (Milan)
  • Marc Rosso (Paris)
  • Klaus Schmidt (Vienne),
  • Katsuhiro Shiohama (Tokyo)
  • Stanislav Smirnov (Genève)
  • Toshikazu Sunada (Tokyo)
  • Yvan Velenik (Genève)
  • Wendelin Werner (Zurich)

Venue : Salle de conférences, IRMA building

The talks will be in english. Some of them will be survey talks intended for a general audience.

Graduate students and young mathematicians are welcome.

Registration is free of charge but the potential participants are asked to contact one of the organisers :

  • Jeudi 7 septembre 2017

  • 09:00

    Opening Words

  • 09:10

    Daniel Bennequin, Univ. Paris, Jussieu

    A geometric explanation of the standard model structure

  • 10:00

    Klaus Schmidt, Vienna (ESI)

    Entropy and periodic points of algebraic actions of discrete groups

  • 11:10

    Wendelin Werner, Zurich

    Conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity

  • 12:00

    Marc Rosso, Paris


  • 14:30

    Juergen Jost, Leipzig

    From harmonic mappings to the nonlinear supersymmetric sigma

  • 15:40

    Catherine Meusburger, Erlangen

    Ideal tetrahedra and their duals in 3d gravity

  • 16:30

    Gabriele Mondello, Roma 1

    On the existence of spherical metrics with conical points

  • 19:30

    Conference Dinner (everybody Is Invited) Restaurant Au Petit Bois Vert

  • Vendredi 8 septembre 2017

  • 09:00

    Basilis Gidas, Providence

    Towards a Probabilistic/Combinatorics Framework for Cognition and Biology

  • 09:50

    Robert C. Penner, IHES and Caltech

    Theory of Morphogenesis

  • 11:00

    Alberto Cattaneo, Zurich

    Geometrical construction of reduced phase spaces

  • 11:50

    Pavel Mnev, Notre Dame

    Cellular BV-BFV-BF theory

  • 14:30

    Ivan Velenik, Geneva

    Ornstein-Zernike theory of Ising and Potts models: a review of some applications

  • 15:40

    Stanislav Smirnov, Geneva

    Ïntegrability in 2D lattice models, CFT ansd SLE

  • 16:30

    Toshikazu Sunada, Tokyo

    Crystallographic Tight Frames

  • 17:30

    Reception At Irma (everybody Is Invited)

  • Samedi 9 septembre 2017

  • 09:00

    Anish Ghosh, Tata Inst. Bombay

    Quadratic forms and ergodic theory

  • 09:50

    Oscar Garcia-Prada, Madrid

    Kaehler-Yang-Mills equations and gravitating

  • 11:00

    Hubert Goenner, Goettingen

    Cartan and his contributions to theoretical physics

  • 11:50

    Sorin Dumitrescu, Nice

    Cartan geometries on compact manifolds