Du 3 au 6 avril 2017
Pour fêter les 25 ans du partenariat entre les universités de Strasbourg et de Kyoto, l'USIAS invite des chercheurs de renom à parler lors des "Kyoto lectures in Strasbourg".
L'IRMA accueille à cette occasion le professeur Masaki Kashiwara, et organise une semaine de mini-cours et d'exposés autour de ses travaux.
Organisation : Nalini Anantharaman et Adriano Marmora (IRMA), Thomas Ebbesen (USIAS)
Liste des orateurs :
- Pierre Baumann
- Andrea D'Agnolo
- Masaki Kashiwara
- Gérard Laumon
- Bernard Leclerc
- Claude Sabbah
- Jean-Baptiste Teyssier
Pour plus d'informations, consulter le site officiel.
Vidéos des conférences :
Pierre Baumann : Crystals and bases of tensor products Andrea D’agnolo : On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence I Andrea D’agnolo : On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence II Andrea D’agnolo : On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence III Masaki Kashiwara : Categorification of cluster algebras via quiver Hecke algebras Gérard Laumon : Exotic Fourier transformations over finite fields Bernard Leclerc : Canonical bases and cluster algebras I Bernard Leclerc : Canonical bases and cluster algebras II Bernard Leclerc : Canonical bases and cluster algebras III Claude Sabbah : Irregular Hodge theory
Lundi 3 avril 2017
Bernard Leclerc, Caen
Canonical bases and cluster algebras I
In 1990, G. Lusztig constructed a new basis of the positive part of the enveloping algebra of a simple Lie algebra, which he called the canonical basis. Its definition relied on the theory of quantum groups and the geometry of quiver varieties. In 1993, Berenstein and Zelevinsky formulated a conjecture on the dual of the canonical basis, that might lead to a more combinatorial description of this remarkable but rather mysterious basis. In 2001, Fomin and Zelevinsky came up with a more precise conjecture in terms of a new class of rings called cluster algebras. The notion of a cluster algebra is elementary and combinatorial, and there are many examples, among which the dual of the positive part of the enveloping algebra of a simple Lie algebra. Fomin and Zelevinsky conjectured that the dual canonical basis contains all cluster monomials. This conjecture was proved in 2015 by Kang-Kashiwara-Kim-Oh, using categorification methods based on Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras. The minicourse will try to give an accessible introduction to the Fomin-Zelevinsky conjecture, whose proof will be presented by M. Kashiwara. -
Andrea D'agnolo, Padoue
On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence I
Hilbert's twenty-first problem (also known as the Riemann-Hilbert problem) asks for the existence of linear ordinary differential equations with prescribed regular singularities and monodromy. In higher dimensions, Deligne formulated it as a correspondence between regular meromorphic flat connections and local systems. In the early eighties, Kashiwara generalized it to a correspondence between regular holonomic D-modules and perverse sheaves on a complex manifold. The analogous problem for possibly irregular holonomic D-modules (a.k.a. the Riemann–Hilbert–Birkhoff problem) has been standing for a long time. One of the difficulties was to find a substitute target to the category of perverse sheaves. In the eighties, Deligne and Malgrange proposed a correspondence between meromorphic connections and Stokes filtered local systems on a complex curve. Recentely, Kashiwara and the speaker solved the problem for general holonomic D-modules in any dimension. The construction of the target category is based on the theory of ind-sheaves by Kashiwara-Schapira and uses Tamarkin’s work on symplectic topology. Among the main ingredients of the proof is the description of the structure of flat meromorphic connections due to Mochizuki and Kedlaya. -
Mardi 4 avril 2017
Andrea D'agnolo, Padoue
On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence II
Bernard Leclerc, Caen
Canonical bases and cluster algebras II
Mercredi 5 avril 2017
Pierre Baumann, Strasbourg
Crystals and bases of tensor products
In the early 90's, Kashiwara defined crystals as limits of bases of representations of quantum groups, and developed their theory in various situations. Subsequent works by Kashiwara, Lusztig, Littelmann, and Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky elucidated the structure of these combinatorial objects. It was later discovered that Kashiwara's crystals also describe certain geometrical situations. For instance, as observed by Braverman-Gaitsgory, they occur in the geometric Satake correspondence. This theory, due to Lusztig, Ginzburg, Beilinson-Drinfeld, Mirković-Vilonen, and Ngô-Polo provides a construction of representations of a reductive group G from the geometry of the affine Grassmannian of the Langlands dual of G. We will study properties of bases that naturally arise in this context. This is joint work with S. Gaussent and P. Littelmann. -
Andrea D'agnolo, Padoue
On the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence III
Bernard Leclerc, Caen
Canonical bases and cluster algebras III
Jeudi 6 avril 2017
Gérard Laumon, Orsay
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier, Louvain
Skeletons and moduli of Stokes torsors
In the local classification of differential equations of one complex variable, torsors under a certain sheaf of algebraic groups (the Stokes sheaf) play a central role. On the other hand, Deligne defined in positive characteristic a notion of skeletons for l-adic local systems on a smooth variety, constructed an algebraic variety parametrizing skeletons and raised the question wether every skeleton comes from an actual l-adic local system. After some recollections on the Stokes phenomenon, we will explain how to use a variant of Deligne’s skeleton conjecture in characteristic 0 to prove the existence of an algebraic variety parametrizing Stokes torsors. We will show how the geometry of this moduli can be used to prove new finiteness results on differential equations. -
Claude Sabbah, Ecole Polytechnique
Irregular Hodge theory
Starting from the Riemann - resp. Birkhoff - existence theorem for linear differential equations of one complex variable, I will motivate on the example of hypergeometric - resp. confluent hypergeometric - equations the variant of Hodge theory called 'irregular Hodge theory', originally introduced by Deligne in 1984. I will also explain the interest of this theory in relation with mirror symmetry of Fano manifolds. -
Masaki Kashiwara, RIMS Kyoto
Categorification of cluster algebras via quiver Hecke algebras
The notion of cluster algebras was introduced by Fomin-Zelevinsky. One motivation came from the multiplicative structure of upper global basis (or dual canonical basis). We use quiver Hecke algebras to categorify cluster algebras. Namely, the category of modules over quiver Hecke algebras has a structure of monoidal category. Its Grothendieck group has a cluster algebra structure. Simple modules correspond to the upper global basis, and cluster monomials correspond to simple modules.