Séminaire Elimination, combinatoire

organisé par l'équipe CB

  • Mihai Cipu

    Bornes pour les normes de produits de binomes

    15 janvier 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Markus Voege

    Coronoids - an application for Madras's Pattern Theorem

    22 janvier 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

    Coronoids are connected clusters on the hexagonal lattice whose holes have at least size two. Hence the model falls between polygons and polyominoes on the hexagonal lattice. I will analyse how the size and number of holes influences the growth constant and the critical exponent in the different models. Madras' Pattern Theorem is an essential tool for this.
  • Alain Daurat

    Convexité par cadran

    9 avril 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Marc Chardin

    Régularité de Castelnuovo-Mumford, définitions, estimations et exemples

    23 avril 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Ivan Gutman

    Hexagonal Animals

    21 mai 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

    A hexagonal animal (also called: hexagonal system, benzenoid system, hexagonal polyomino) is a geometric figure obtained by arranging congruent regular hexagons in the plane, so that two hexagons are either disjoint or have a common edge. The lecture presents the basic, mainly combinatorial, properties of hexagonal animals. Unsolved problems are pointed out. References: The lecturer published over 100 papers and several books on hexagonal systems and their applications.
  • Peter Paule

    Computer Algebra and Combinatorics: The Renaissance of MacMahon's Partition Analysis

    28 mai 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Mohamed Tajine

    Fréquence des facteurs dans les mots de STURM : Application a l'estimation des mesures des segments discrets

    18 juin 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Amitai Regev

    Permutation statistics and q-analogues

    25 juin 2003 - 10:00Salle de séminaires IRMA