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  • Ivan Limonchenko

    Cohomology of smooth partial quotients and applications

    29 avril 2024 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA

    Smooth partial quotients form a wide class of smooth compact manifolds with a torus action. They were defined in the framework of toric topology by Buchstaber and Panov in 2002 as orbit spaces of moment-angle manifolds w.r.t. certain freely and smoothly acting compact tori. Apart from moment-angle manifolds, the most well-studied example of a smooth partial quotient is given by a quasitoric manifold. This notion was introduced by Davis and Januszkiewicz in 1991 as a topological counterpart of a projective toric variety and generalizes that of a symplectic toric manifold. However, apart from the general description of cohomology rings due to Baskakov, Buchstaber, Franz and Panov, little is known about the geometry and topology of an arbitrary smooth partial quotient so far. In this talk, we shall discuss the construction of a smooth partial quotient, its basic cohomology ring properties and some applications in bordism theory. The talk is based in part on a joint work with Grigory Solomadin.
  • Clémence Labrousse

    à préciser

    27 mai 2024 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA

  • Victor Jaeck


    17 juin 2024 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA